SHAREWARE ADVISORY QLOG 4.00 is distributed as shareware. This means that you have the opportunity to try QLOG 4.00 before buying it. QLOG 4.00 is not freeware nor is it in the public domain. You can use QLOG 4.00 for a trial period of 1 month. If you like it during this evaluation period you can Register (only one time) and you will receive a registered copy without the shareware banner with your name, technical support, bug fixes and free upgrades as released. You may register by sending a self addressed envelop including a 1.44Mb formatted Floppy disk, 2 IRC's for postage and US$ 10.00 (or 10 Deutch Marks) to help the author to make new release: Mail to : IK5HGL - Pinto Antonio Internet via L.Mazzanti,24 50135 Firenze packet ITALY QLOG for Quick LOG ---------------------------- Ver. 4.00 by Pinto Antonio IK5HGL Florence 02/12/97 This program has originally been created for my personal use but the interest of some friends has convinced me to allot it to our community. I underline that QLOG program doesn't pretend to be as sophisticated as some other software in circulation and use, but may be an interesting alternative. A special tanks to my friend ** Raymond Piat F5UKV ** , who made translation of this manual in English and French languages. Supply to me many tips to add more features at QLOG and test it for bugs hunting in the latest 4.00 release. A special tanks thanks to my friend ** Massimo Testa IK5SEZ ** big bugs hunter, who made this program possible to run in the best way. WARNING! ========= When updating your previous QLOG program with a new version, I recommend you to make a BACKUP COPY of your Log file(s) -File name.DAT-) and make a print of your CONFIG.LOG file, to quickly find again your personal setting (Locator, COM Port, Baud speed, window size, number of lines to be printed for the log, QSL labels size, colors setting, ....), then delete all other files in the destination directory. SUMMARY section 1 Changes and improvements over the previous versions. section 2 QLOG Program Overview. section 3 List of commands. section 4 Running QLOG under MS_DOS or WINDOWS. section 5 Bands plan and operating Modes. section 6 Codification and instruction for QSL Cards. section 7 Grid Square (Locator). section 8 The digital communication window. section 9 MD2 algorithm Password. section 10 Digital modes in HF and memorized text messages for data QSO's. section 11 Change of stream in Packet mode. section 12 TX, RX ASCII files and time delays. section 13 Reception Buffer. section 14 UTIL.EXE - QLOG Utility program. section 15 SETUP.EXE - QLOG Utility program for installation and configuration. section 16 DXCC Countries file. section 17 Necessary files to run QLOG. section 18 Disclaimer section 19 Technical support * 1 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS OVER THE PREVIOUS VERSIONS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bell sounds have been removed when occurring after windows size (Log and terminal) modification in the program, as well as when ASCII 7 characters are received in the terminal window. - The possibility to print the mention 'via (manager call sign)' has been added on the QSL label. - Now when you are connected to the Packet Cluster and the Dx spot capture function is activated, you have the choice to select to not overwrite Dx spots when it's a "new country" when successive Dx spots arrive. This option might be useful when the operator is momentarily absent from his station. - If the user has selected the ALT+C function a specific tone ring will be heard when an "not worked country" is mentioned on the Packet Cluster. - The information received in the log book from the Packet Cluster (ALT+C option) will be displayed flashing on the QSO line until the operator move the cursor to begin recording that QSO. - Now, in the DXCC country file (ALL_COUN.DAT), each country can accept (for its different prefixes) up to 300 characters per line with the addition of the sign '+' at the end of the first prefixes line. - In digital modes, the F3 function actives a telephone ring sound to inform you that up to 5 specified stations are present on the frequency, sending information, reading bulletin or are trying to contact you. - In the logging mode the F3 function enables you to look for a specific call sign or stations beginning with a certain prefix in your log book. - Now in CONFIG.LOG you can select the Auto_Line_Feed ON option when 2 PC are connected together by the serial port and if you desire entering into the chat mode between two operators. - In this version, when printing your log book (to have a hard copy of your Log book), you have now the possibility if desired, to print the complete INFOrmation field. - A SETUP.EXE program has been created to facilitate the installation process and eventual modification by the user later on. - A BAND.DAT file defines the limits of the frequency range per band. The user can according to his ITU Region (band plan) modify these limits. - The user can select in CONFIG.LOG file, the scale unit he wants to use to write the frequencies in his Log book (MHz, Khz, mt.). - QLOG checks automatically if the frequency and mode inserted for a QSO are correct. - The QRB can be displayed in Kilometers or Miles according to the user setting in CONFIG.LOG file. - The operator can chose (activating F12 key) to activate or not the automatic display of country information statistics window (Worked/Confirmed), per bands and modes. Characters indicating worked or confirmed countries can be defined by the operator in CONFIG.LOG file. (It is proposed in the program setup, " * " for worked countries, and " X " for confirmed countries) The files which have been modified to improved this 4.00 version are : -QLOG.EXE -QLOG.ICO (new file) -QLOG.HLP -CONFIG.LOG -ALL_COUN.DAT -UTIL.EXE -README! .DOC -SETUP.EXE (new file) -BAND.DAT (new file) * 2 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- QLOG PROGRAM OVERVIEW. ------------------------------------------- - The number of QSO is only limited by the available space on your PC disk. - Improvement on security has been made to not lose in any case data from your Log book. The log (data) file is closed after each recorded QSO to minimize the risk of an accidental power shut off. - QLOG includes as well an integrated digital program which allows through a TNC or Modem to have HF or VHF (Packet) communications. It is possible with QLOG to have in the same time Packet multi connections, or running HF digital modes communications (allowing transmission of already prepared ASCII files messages) and going to the log book part of the software to open some functions when you are still connected in digital mode. - When you are connected to the Packet Cluster, Dx information can be immediately displayed on the last line of your log book with the frequency, mode and call sign ready to be recorded in toggling the Enter (CR) key to record the QSO (once the contact is made Hi !). When it's a "new country" for your Log book, this information can or cannot (according to your choice) be cleared by the others Dx spots coming from the Packet Cluster. - Now in the INFOrmation field the user can enter up to 40 characters. This field can be opened in pressing the INSERT key and closed as many time as needed (to be checked or modified). - To PRINT your Log book, you can select from where you want to start the printing in writing the QSO number. - Before printing the QSL labels/stickers you can customize (in CONFIG.LOG) the label size. (To print the mention 'via QSL manager call sign' see explanation further down). - A function (ALT-A) enables you to merge several Logs made under QLOG, to make if necessary a "main Log". - You can easily program AUTOMATIC BACKUPs when using your Log book or program them in CONFIG.LOG and selecting as well the scheduled periods. The backup is done in one compressed file. One file with BCK extension is created after having run the Backup function (automatic or manual ALT+B). This file will have the log name with an extension .BCK (i.e. tfc96.BCK if your log is named tfc96.DAT) . Every time the backup function is ran, it creates a BCK file, and an .OLD file copy of the previous backup data (2 backups copies .BCK and .OLD are present in the user defined backup directory location). - To restore the Backup you have to use the utility QLOG program UTIL.EXE (option 1) to create the necessary extension .INF and .NDX . - A Dbase III ¸ format file can be made when the user save the data file in ASCII format (with ALT+S function). - The QLOG utility program UTIL.EXE (option 2) will create a statistics file .WRK belonging to each log file (file name.DAT) for checking your DXCC general status, per bands, modes,... - The QLOG utility program UTIL.EXE can also convert ASCII files in BINARY format. - When in the logging mode (log book) you write a call sign (in the CALL sign field) you find the following information in the top of the screen: - If the country has already been "WORKED" or not yet, - If this country has been confirmed (VALIDATED) or not yet by QSL card received, - QRB and Azimuth are automatically calculated (with an extreme accuracy if the correspondent grid square -LOCATOR- is written). - Recognition of the country name (also done in the manual mode -explanation further down). - Number of DXCC countries already contacted (WORKED) - The UTC and Local time of the correspondent station are displayed. In the log book: - The INFOrmation field is automatically updated with previously recorded data if any. - The DATE and the STARTING TIME of the QSO are stopped when the first letter of the call sign is entered. - The ENDING TIME of the QSO is stopped and recorded when the cursor has been moved out from the "Ending clock timer field" to the QSL column or moved down with the Down Arrow key or Enter (CR) key. At the bottom of the screen: - If it is a double (or more) contact with the same station (the first QSO is always displayed and you get additional information on the second line (showing how many contacts you had with it before, if you have already received its QSL or not yet) Always in the Logging mode, - With the F12 key, which is an ON/OFF switch, if desired you can immediately get the DXCC country statistics on the country you are logging. The user has access to the DXCC Countries file (ALL_COUN.DAT) to modify and update this data base in editing this file with any simple text editor. - It is possible to create as many log files (file name.DAT) as the user needs. - The user can customize all information in QLOG program included text and background colors. - There is the possibility to send a password with the MD2 algorithm necessary to access some BBS in certain case (countries). - Using the Tab keys (CTRL+LEFT or RIGHT arrows keys) will enable you to quickly move in the Log book from a field to another. - Using the Tab keys (CTRL+Up or Down arrows keys) will allow you to temporarily change the Log book and Terminal Data window sizes during the operation of the program. - QLOG is a quick and user friendly Logging and Digital communication software. In QLOG there is no loss of time in opening icons, windows and looking for menus ... With QLOG is a conventional log book, full of immediate information provided and automatically displayed on the screen. As described earlier a digital communication program is integrated for Packet, Pactor, Amtor, Rtty,... and a security system has been developed to always be active to protect and save in any situation the precious Log ! QLOG is a program easy to modify at any time by the user. Changes are automatically made on the hard drive. It is also very simple to modify/correct at any time an information in a QSO already made, by going directly with the cursor to the place you want, by pressing the INSERT key. Make the change and press ENTER key (CR), arrow Up or Down, PgDn, PgUp, CTRL+ arrow Up/Down to exit the field and save the modification. - QLOG offers you the possibility to choose the desired language, Italian, English or French* (*HELP program only). DXCC STATISTICS PANEL (WORKED/CONFIRMED COUNTRIES PER BANDS AND MODES) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ALT+F12 function has been added to provide an immediate and complete DXCC status of worked and confirmed countries. This function displays for each country the status of contacts per modes, bands, and also gives the number of contacts. When you are using your log book, this function provides you, according to the operative BANDS and MODES recognized in QLOG program, with the following functions and DXCC statistics: Option (1) : - To make a very quick browsing and direct search for prefixes you are looking for. Option (2) : - To create a .TCY file containing all statistics info from the log file (.TCY is usable with a text editor) Option (3) : - To print statistics. Option (4) : - To display total score of WORKED and CONFIRMED DXCC countries: - all bands, all modes compared to total number of DXCC countries. - per modes. - per bands. - per band all modes. - per mode all bands. In the option (1) and for the F11 function (described few lines below), the ' * ' character indicates that at least a QSO has been made, and the 'X' letter, that you have at least received one QSL card confirming this band and that mode. When the F12 key has been activated (in CONFIG.LOG), pressing on this key will work as an ON/OFF switch. This switch will enable you when ever you want, to automatically get if desired the above mentioned statistics for the country you are logging. If you are looking for information and DXCC statistics on a country for a QSO previously recorded, move the cursor to that call sign, toggle the F11 key (if the F12 key has been activated) and you will get the DXCC statistics displayed. NOTE ABOUT THE EXPLANATION .DOC FILE. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The information files on QLOG program (LEGGIMI!.DOC Italian version, README!.DOC English version and LISEZMOI.DOC French version) are available with an WPD extension to read or printed (it is a WordPerfect ¸ file), and an HTML extension to be read if necessary with any net navigator. * 3 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ LIST OF COMMANDS. ------------------------------ F1 - Help (available in Italian, English and French) NOTE: You will select your preferred Language (I, E or F) during the configuration of the program with the SETUP.EXE, or directly in CONFIG.LOG file . - If you chose I for Italian, the HELP MENU will be in Italian. The other information during the program operation will be displayed in Italian. - If you chose E, the HELP MENU will be in English. The other information during the program operation will be displayed in English. - If you chose F, only the HELP MENU will be displayed in French. The other information during the program operation will be displayed in English. F2 - To go to Digital mode (necessary to transmit commands and text through the RS-232). Toggle this F2 key again to go back in Log mode. F3 - In Digital (Terminal) mode, this function allows you to enter up to 5 different call signs that you are looking for. This function informs you with a telephone ring sound on your PC ( + a nĝ beep pointing a insert order name) when the call sign of a station you are looking for is transiting on your screen, transmitting an info, reading a bulletin, or calling you. In log book mode, This function search a specific call sign or prefix in your log book. When a first call sign has been found press F3 again to continue the search. F4 - To go to the QSO number you want to see. Write the number then press Enter key (CR). F5 - To switch ON and OFF the RS-232 connection. F6 - To Print QSL cards labels/stickers. F7 - To print the Log book (hard copy). F8 - To switch ON or OFF the automatic mode which capture date, time, frequency and mode in your log book. F9 - To reset the last line of your log-book when information are displayed/written and not yet recorded. (This function is very useful when you want to know what is the country and relative information on the call sign heard). F10- To switch ON and OFF the printer (LPT1 port) to print all received and transmitted data in the digital communication window. F11- In logging mode (editing), this function displays information related to the country, calculates QRB and Azimuth, ..., and (if the F12 key has been activated) will display the DXCC statistics for that country. F12- This key is an ON/OFF switch to get if desired the DXCC country statistics that you are logging in your log book. ALT+A - (Append) To add data from others QLOG logs (file name.DAT), inserting them and sorting them by chronological date and time in your open log book. ALT+B- (Backup) To make a backup file with the .BCK extension, and automatically create an another file (the previous backup which sees its extension changed with .OLD extension) To restore the data file from the backup, you will need to run the program UTIL.EXE (option 1). In so doing, the program will automatically create the index files (NDX) and info file (INF). You can set the AUTOMATIC BACKUP function in choosing the option (2) after having toggled ALT+B. (The schedule and directory of destination for the backup have to be customized before by the user with SETUP.EXE or in CONFIG.LOG file). ALT+C - (Cluster) When you are connected to the Packet Cluster, this function enables an automatic temporary display in your log book of the last Dx information received in the Cluster. In the same time a beep sound informs you of the arrival of this last information. An immediate search is done in your Log Book, and informs you in case you would have previously contacted this station. A particular melody is played when it is a new country (not worked before). (See also : F9 Key function -reset the line-) Note: When you are in the Edit mode (log book), or in Digital mode but your cursor is located at least at the position of the SECOND character of the CALL sign field, the information won't be displayed in your log book and you won't be able to know if you already have contacted this station. In digital mode the ALT+C function allows you to choose if you desire that even a new country (not worked) mentioned from the Cluster be overwritten or not by new arriving information from the Cluster on your log book. The default answer to that question is No (N). With this (N) answer, when the Packet Cluster will dispatch a station call sign from a country that you have not yet contacted, the relative information will be displayed and flashing on your last log book line. This function might be useful when the operator is temporarily absent from his station. ALT+D- To delete a QSO line after having selected it by placing your cursor on that line (confirmation before deleting is requested) ALT+F1...F10 - When you are in digital mode, this function transmits the MD2 algorithm passwords. This program enables you to have up to 10 passwords. ALT+F12 -When you are using your log book, this function displays statistics of your DXCC status by modes, bands , with countries, QSL status and totals of contacts per bands and per mode. This function enables you as well to: - Make very quick browsing and direct search for country prefixes you are looking for. - Create a TCY extension statistics file (to be read with a text editor) - Print statistics. - General statistics per country ALT+G- Is an ON/OFF switch to disable the beep sound. ALT+I -(INVERSE) In HF digital modes this function reverses/INVERTS- the marks. This function is not active in Packet mode. ALT+L- (Load) Opens another log file (already existing file name.DAT) and close the one opened. When loading a new data file using ALT+L function, the statistics related to that file are immediately and automatically available for the DXCC status and Dx spots checking with information arriving from the Packet Dx Cluster (with the ALT+C and F12 functions activated) ALT+Q - (QUIT) To quit the program (confirmation y/n is requested). ALT+R - In digital mode, this function enables the user to make and save a file in opening and closing it (in ASCII format). The digital received and transmitted data that he wants to archive will be recorded under the name the user will give to that file. The opening of the file can only be made when the user is in digital mode, but the closing can also be done in Log (edit) mode. (append to a file can only be done if the specified file already exists) ALT+S- (Save) To save the data file in use in an ASCII format file compatible with DbaseIII ¸, Lotus ¸, etc ... ALT+T - To be used only in digital communications to transmit ASCII files . ALT+U - This function is bypassing the frequencies plan and modes limits to enable you to record QSO with these defaults (but will not keep your statistics per countries updated as the QSO recorded with ALT+U won't be taken into account in the DXCC statistics). ALT+X - To open shell DOS giving a direct access to DOS commands. (Don't be afraid for your opened Log file (log book), it will be temporarily closed) ALT+ 0. .9 - In HF digital mode (terminal mode) this function transmits the messages files already prepared (MSG_0.TXT up to MSG_9.TXT). ESC - in Digital (Terminal) mode : - to delete the written line to be transmitted. - to interrupt transmissions of ASCII lines. - to quit the reviewing mode of the buffer and to come back to data reception mode. - in Log mode : - to cancel and reset the last QSO line when this one is not yet recorded. CTRL+C -In Log mode this function is to exit the program (a confirmation y/n will be requested). -In Digital mode, this function enables to go manually into Command mode with the Kantronics ¸ modem (i.e. CTRL+?t =TX in No packet mode, CTRL+?r = RX (NOT in Packet mode), CTRL+?e= Change Over command, CTRL+?x = to come back in command mode, ...) CTRL+ F1. .F11 - In digital mode, this function selects/changes the desired digital mode. CTRL+ LEFT/RIGHT Arrow - These keys change the Packet stream (when you are in multi- connection, it is useful to set the STREAMEV and STREAMCA commands to ON in the CONFIG.LOG file). CTRL+ LEFT/RIGHT Arrow - In Digital (Terminal) mode, these keys change the SHIFT (not active in Packet mode). CTRL+ UP/DOWN Arrow -In Log mode, these functions change Log window sizes. In Digital mode they change the data speed (not in packet mode). INS - In Digital (Terminal) mode, this key brings the PTT to ON (the transceiver to transmit) In Log mode, it opens and closes the INFOrmation field. (The INFO field can also be automatically opened when typing directly into the INFO field) DEL - In Digital mode, pressing this key brings the PTT to OFF (to stop transmitting) END - In Digital mode this key is to go to "Change OVER" between transmissions and put the receive buffer to the reception mode (stopping the transmission). - In Log mode, it sends the cursor to the last line of the Log book, to be ready to insert a new QSO. HOME -In digital mode, this function only works for Packet. If pressed (in the KAMPlus ¸ case) the TNC will go to Command mode. In the KAMPlus ¸ case, pressing again on this key will make the TNC coming back to the Packet mode. If pressed by mistake during a Pactor, Amtor, Rtty, ... QSO this key will stop the transmission link except if you use a TNC or a Modem which has two different syntaxes to go to Command mode and in Packet mode. - In Log (log book) mode, this key will bring your cursor to the first QSO (QSO number 1). Page UP/DOWN -In Digital mode , these keys enable you to review (Up or Down) the transmitted and received text in the buffer. - In Logging mode, these keys will enable you to review your Log book. BACK SPACE - To erase the previous character. * 4 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- RUNNING QLOG UNDER MS_DOS OR WINDOWS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Under MS_DOS: To run QLOG you have the following options: 1) QLOG + file name.DAT + Enter (CR) [i.e. qlog tfc97.dat)+(CR) ] 2) or make a batch file (i.e. in writing in LOG.BAT file : qlog - in the first option the user will have to make its own file (i.e. tfc97.dat which can be directly opened/accessed in writing qlog tfc97.dat)+(CR) ) . - in the second case (where is QLOG program) you will have to just type: log +Enter (CR) to open the program to your traffic log book. -If none log file name (file_ name.DAT) is specified when starting QLOG, the program will request the user to provide a name to open a log file (and not as before, creating a QLOG.DAT file by default). With the log file name the user will give, the program will automatically create the following necessary files (with extension .INF, .NDX, .WRK) . ---------------------------------------------- Under WINDOWS: From program manager, open NEW and then PROGRAM From the QLOG directory, choose QLOG.PIF To get the QLOG Icon select QLOG.ICO in Qlog directory ---------------------------------------------- >>> REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME TO DELETE THE FOLLOWING FILES<<< >>> HF.DAT HF.INF HF.NDX HF.WRK HF.TCY (these files are examples only to show you how the program works) <<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When starting (the first time only) the program, you have to configure the CONFIG.LOG file with relative information to your station. You will have to write your CALL SIGN, Grid Square (Locator), selected the language (Italian, English or French), the directory where you wish to have your backups copied. You can also customized the following items: - the text and colors in the different screens. - the label/sticker size for the QSL cards. - the space between QSL labels to be printed. - the number of lines to be printed per page for the Log book (hard copy). Example: The actual page setting is made for pages of a total length of 72 lines. For a nice presentation a total of 66 lines to be printed has been chosen, because you need to have a minimum of 3 empty lines at the top and 3 at the end of the page. 66 <--lines printed per Log page (including the heading and bottom page presentation) 3 <--empty lines for page separation - your time difference with UTC. (If you leave "0" the recorded time in your log book will be with the time set on your PC machine) - number of lines reserved for the digital terminal window. The value has to be selected between 2 (minimum) and 15 (maximum), to enable the program to work effectively in digital mode. - Activation (or not) of the RS-232 serial port. - (Optional) Selection of the serial port for the RS-232 which will read the START.TNC (ASCII file) indicating to the TNC the moment to start, and the STOP.TNC file containing the commands to close the TNC. These files are necessary to communicate with the TNC and if they are missing, a sound will inform you that the communication between your PC and the TNC is faulty. Once having configured CONFIG.LOG and START.TNC (optional), you have to create your log book file (file name.DAT. i.e. tfc97.DAT ), and the files with extensions (file_name.INF and .NDX) with the option (1) of the UTIL.EXE program. These files will be necessary to create the WRK file checking your statistics and worked countries. You can use the QLOG utility program in running UTIL.EXE file (option 2) to make the WRK file. QLOG gives you the possibility to have up to 10 passwords (with the MD2 algorithm necessary in some cases (countries) to access certain BBS. You will find, at the end of CONFIG.LOG file, those lines beginning by ALT+F1 to ALT+F10. It is in those lines that should be written the passwords. The first part is reserved for a memotechnic comment (without it your password won't work). The second part represents the password that you had selected. Each password will be transmitted when pressing ALT+ F1 to ALT+F10 keys in the order of the lines (first line ALT+ F1 second line ALT+ F2 etc...) until the last one ALT+F10 . N.B. Leave at least a blank space before the comment in the password. Don't be afraid you can communicate safely. Since this file has been improved, comments or changes are easy to be made . NOW LET'S HAVE A LOOK TO THE SCREEN DISPLAY: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the heading at the top of the screen you have: - the File_ name.DAT (Log file in use), - the Number of QSO made in the file_name.DAT (Log) - the rC (record Canceled) indicating the number of QSO deleted (if any) during the operation session. - the QLOG version number - the Clock in UTC time. Only after having entered a call sign in the CALL field of the Log book , in the top window you will get for that file_name.DAT: - if that country has already been WORKED or VALIDATED (Confirmed by QSL), - the number of contacts you already had with that country, - the number of contacts Confirmed by QSL with this country, - a reminder of the total countries worked and confirmed, - a reminder of the total DXCC countries (listed in ALLCOUN.DAT), - the Clock in UTC time. I underline that QLOG can hold in memory up to 2000 prefixes (don't get confused with the number of countries), and up to 2000 QSO with the same station. Is also displayed information related to the logged country: - the main country prefix, - the country name, - the azimuth (Beaming direction) country Longitude and Latitude, - the Local Time in the correspondent country, - the Continent, ITU and CQ zone, - eventually the exact longitude, latitude and azimuth if the station grid square (locator) is recorded, - the average QRB or exact distance (in Miles or Kilometers) if the user enter the station grid square (locator). (When you do not write the correspondent grid square, an average QRB is calculated between the two points). In the Digital mode (Terminal) window (after having toggled the F2 key) - You have a maximum of 3 lines (buffer) to write commands or text to be sent to the serial port (user customized in CONFIG.LOG) Below is displayed the log book window of the File_name.DAT. In the last line (at the bottom of the log book window) there is a reminder of some useful key commands to be used with QLOG. In certain cases, information, errors or warning messages will appear in this line. N.B. * instructions are for printers of 80 columns * remember to set in the printer the extensive characters pattern. OPERATING QLOG. --------------------------- After having started QLOG, the cursor is positioned in the CALL field ready to insert the correspondent call sign. By default the program is in the automatic mode. As soon as the cursor moves toward the following field - the first clock and the date will be stopped at the beginning of the QSO. - a search is automatically done to check if there was previous QSO with that station, - a search for the country of DXCC affiliation is done, - a check to know if the country has already been worked or not yet. - if previous QSO's with the same station are found, relative information appear at the bottom of the screen, as well as the QSL confirmation status. -Automatically in the INFO and LOCATOR fields appear previous recorded information. At the bottom of the screen, you we'll see 2 lines displayed (a maximum of 2 QSO). When you had more than 2 QSO with the same station, the first QSO is always displayed as well as the total number of contacts you previously had with this station. - The country main prefix is displayed as long as the country name, and a clock with the local time in that country. Different "beep" sounds come along with following information: WORKED = you have already contacted this country but it is not confirmed by QSL. NOT WORKED= for a country that you have not contacted before. (A little music is played). VALIDATED (confirmed)= you have already received QSL card confirmation. The clock of the ENDING TIME of the contact is stopped once the cursor has at least been moved up to the QSL field. In the QSL field you must insert the letters corresponding to the QSL code explained further down. Only once the correspondent call sign is registered, when you move down the arrow key the QSO will be recorded. If instead, you press the F9 key, a reset of the QSO line is done. Note regarding prefixes: A DXCC country may have several prefixes (memorized in ALL_COUN.DAT file). To be confirmed, a country needs that only one of the prefixes has been confirmed by a QSL card, to be displayed as confirmed (VALIDATED) country. * 5 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ BANDS PLAN AND OPERATING MODES. --------------------------------------------------------- Now, QLOG has a bands plan, and when entering a QSO in your log book, the program makes an automatic frequency check (to see if it is in the amateur bands limits). The same kind of check is done for the modes. Wrong input will be detected, and error message will appears. (A function exists to bypass -at user convenience- these (necessary) limitations, to enter in the log book frequencies outside the bands limits, and not "normally" recognized modes. HOW TO USE THE BAND PLAN. --------------------------------------------- The user can edit and define up to 13 bands in the bands plan (txt file: BAND.DAT) For the country statistics count per band, the user will have to chose in CONFIG.LOG one unity to write the frequency in the log book. 1 choice is available among these units: ** MHz - Khz - mt ** ABOUT THE AVAILABLE MODES. ------------------------------------------------ The available modes are: - CW - SSB, USB, LSB, AM* (*considered under SSB for the worked countries count) - TTY including PAC*, GTO*, AMT*, FEC*, FAX*, STV* (for SSTV) for the worked countries count*. - FM BYPASSING THE FREQUENCIES AND MODES LIMITS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The function ALT+U will enable you to write frequencies (outside band limits) and modes not recognized as mentioned above, without receiving an error message (that you would get if not toggling the ALT+U keys). Remember that when you use the ALT+U function the statistics program will not include QSO recorded with outside band frequencies, and not recognized modes. But when you will modify the frequency or the mode to be recognized (not using ALT+U function) by the QLOG statistics program, the qso will be accepted in the statistics and NAMEFILE.WRK file will be updated. * 6 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ CODIFICATION AND INSTRUCTION FOR QSL CARDS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The QSL field (Q column in the log book) accepts only one of the following characters. Q- QSL to be sent. Labels will be printed for all QSO having Q letter in the QSL column. When toggling the F6 key all QSO having the Q letter in their QSL field will be printed on labels/stickers for QSL. Once done, the Q letter will automatically be changed to the S letter. S- When the QSL labels is printed, the letter Q automatically has changed to S (for Sent) in the QSL field. R- When you have received a QSL, confirming a QSO already made, for which you have not yet printed the QSL label (the Q letter was still in the QSL column), you can write the letter R (Received) in the QSL column. The R letter will indicate to the program to print the QSL label. Once printed, this letter will automatically be changed to C letter (Confirmed). C- Means that the QSL reception is confirmed. C appears automatically when the QSL has previously been received and marked with the R letter before the label printing, in the QSL column of the log book. Also, once your QSL sent and the QSO is confirmed by the reception of a QSL, you can just write the C letter to replace the S. The C letter is taken into account by the country statistics program. W- Worked country already (no effect) Note: Letters C, S and W don't have any action during label printing. In the CONFIG.LOG file the user can define a string up to 21 characters to be printed on the QSL cards labels (i.e. : Many thanks for QSO! ) QSL MANAGER If at the begin of the INFO field you write the keyword 'via' (in small or capital letters) followed by the Manager call sign, the QSL manager call sign will also be printed on the QSL label. To activate this option you need to write the key word 'via (call)' at the begin of the INFO field. (i.e.: via i0xxx) QLOG program will convert the CALL sign to capital letters on the QSL label. When printing QSL labels (F6 key), the date requested has no much importance as only QSO with a Q in the QSL field will be printed after this date. This date only indicates to the program where to start for the QSL printing operation. N.B. : PRINTER SETTING ***** Set EXTENSIVE characters pattern on the printer***** If you use a single A4 paper size sheet feed printer, you can set the separation between labels (height labels) to 4 lines. For other paper sizes, change and adjust this parameter. * 7 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ GRID SQUARE (LOCATOR). -------------------------------------- As soon as the user has written the complete GRID SQUARE in the LOCATOR field, the result of an immediate calculation is given in the top right corner of the screen. The exact QRB (in Kilometers or Miles according to the user setting in CONFIG.LOG file) and accurate AZIMUTH are displayed. (N.B. for the AZIMUTH. The first data gives you the short path, the 2nd gives you the long path). * 8 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ THE DIGITAL COMMUNICATION WINDOW. --------------------------------------------------------------- It's important that your connection cable if respecting the RS-232 configuration because QLOG is using this handshaking protocol with the hardware. Initially the RS-232 connection was made to be connected to the Packet Cluster just for the DX news. With the successive QLOG modifications, the data terminal part now looks more and more like a complete data communication system for HF digital modes. I wrote this program to work with Kantronics ¸ modem (this is not an advertising) just only because I own and use one. As the complete QLOG program operates on the entire computer screen, it was not easy to make a terminal running with more windows to monitor in same time, VHF Packet traffic, HF data mode and the traffic log . Therefore I have chosen to dedicate the terminal window only to one digital mode in the same time according to user preference/choice. PACKET CLUSTER --------------------------- Once connected to the Packet Cluster, activating ALT+ C will open the automatic recognition function of DXCC countries that you have not yet worked. To validate the Dx information automatically inserted from the cluster (with ALT+C) into your log book, you just need to move the cursor after the first character of the call sign. This 'possible' QSO will stay in memory until the moment you will record it or erase it by pressing the F9 key. PACKET TO HF DIGITAL MODE --------------------------------------------- Example 1: If you are connected to the Packet Cluster with the ALT+C function activated and you see an interesting station in Pactor, Amtor, Rtty etc... the frequency, mode and call sign of the Dx spot will be automatically displayed in the last QSO line of your log book. To start recording this QSO, move the cursor AT LEAST to the 2nd character of the call sign, or better to the following field. In so doing, the clock for the beginning of the QSO is stopped and the call sign is in memory, ready to be automatically transmitted with/from the prepared files messages (MSG_x.TXT). - Go to terminal mode with F2 key. - Select the mode on the TNC by activating the CTRL+ F1 up to CTRL+F10. (you will notice that at this point ALT+C function is deactivated) - Start the QSO. - At this stage, with the F2 key you can go from the Log to the Terminal and vice versa to insert in your log book relevant data. - Finally don't forget to validate this QSO in closing the line using the Enter key (CR) or the Arrow DOWN key. Example 2: You are connected to the Packet Cluster, and the ALT+C function is active (you are not really in digital mode QSO) - When the call sign of a station that you want to contact is displayed, move with the cursor in the same way as indicated above (example 1). N.B. The F9 key function is very useful to clear the fields in your log book when you do not wish to record the proposed DX spot by the Cluster, and want to return to the initial state, ready to insert manually a new call sign. Please note that if the ALT+C function is still activated the CALL sign field in the Log book will continuously be overwritten by DX spots. This won't happen in the case you are in QLOG MANUAL operating mode (if you have chosen to manually insert the call sign - F8 key-). The F9 key is also useful to clear the information provided by F11 function in the top of the screen. * 9 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- MD2 ALGORITHM PASSWORD. --------------------------------------------- QLOG program enables to access BBS requiring in certain cases (countries) a PASSWORD with the MD2 algorithm . (Please read the preceding related instruction to configure them in CONFIG.LOG). *10 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- DIGITAL MODES IN HF AND MEMORIZED TEXT MESSAGES FOR DATA QSO'S. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In digital mode, choosing in the terminal window the desired transmission mode will automatically indicate the selected mode to the TNC or Modem. The modes listed on the top menu of the screen, are those currently available in the TNC KAMPlus from Kantronics ¸. It is in using CTRL+F1 to CTRL+F11 function keys that you select or change of mode. With the INS, DEL, END and HOME keys you activate the relative commands to the PTT. Usually these command keys are commonly used with TNC or Modems. If for your TNC or Modem commands to operate the PTT requires different keys, you will need to configure the proper syntax in the CONFIG.LOG file. You have the possibility to prepare messages (in ASCII) for HF data operation. Messages can be made based on examples already prepared (MSG_0 .TXT up to MSG_9.TXT). 1)- INSERTING THE CORRESPONDENT STATION CALL SIGN in the QSO: When preparing the (MSG_x.TXT) message put the character --->?<--- ASCII code 02, where you wish to have the correspondent CALL sign written. The --->?<--- character can be put anywhere and as many time as you want. During your transmissions, the correspondent CALL sign can be automatically transmitted. To get that, you need to come back in log mode (F2 key), to write the correspondent CALL sign in the CALL field, press the Enter (CR) key and to come back to the digital mode (with F2 key).The call sign you have just written is kept in memory to be automatically sent with your already prepared messages (MSG_x.TXT). 2) YOU CAN TEMPORARILY STOP the transmitted file in using the DEL key to write any ADDITIONAL COMMENT, and then start again to complete the MSG_x.TXT transmission. 3) To MAKE A BREAK in the (MSG_x.TXT) file transmission, you can insert the following character --->?<--- ASCII code 05, during the preparation of this message. This character can be put where you want and as many time as you need it. During the MSG_x.TXT file transmission, when a flashing --->*<--- star character appears, it's to indicate that the transmission file has momentarily stopped , waiting for a comment from you. Hitting the SPACE BAR will send the sentence, and hitting the RETURN (CR) key will indicate to the program to restart the automatic transmission of the Message file (MSG_x.TXT). Remember that hitting RETURN (CR)' is only to send the command to continue the transmission of the line. If you wish to insert a 'return (CR)' in your MSG_x.TXT file you would have to write the ? character in the MSG_x.TXT file. CHANGING OF DIGITAL MODE --------------------------------------------- When you change of digital mode using the command CTRL+F1 ..... CTRL+.F11, the chain of command is the following: 1- returning to the command mode 2- sending the default speed, SHIFT and SPACE settings 3- changing mode then the syntax use commands set by the user in CONFIG.LOG, except for changes of SHIFT and SPACE. When you select a mode which enables the insertion of the correspondent call sign, the call sign will be automatically written at the prompt ('call sign at the prompt >'). QLOG program is also able to execute automatic changes of modes (without toggling the CTRL+Fx function) when these changes are written in MSG_x.TXT files. Note: In some cases, it might happen (when the return to change the command mode is not anticipated) that change of modes are not taking in account by the modem. In this case you will have to manually toggle any of the CTRL+ F1 to CTRL+F11 function according to the desired mode to get again a correctly displayed text received. Except in Packet, for the other modes if the ALT+C function has been activated it will be deactivated when changing mode. (The user cannot configure the function keys to change the SHIFT and SPACE. As the KAM modem has his particular syntax, users using other types of TNC could get different results using these commands). * 11 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ CHANGE OF STREAM IN PACKET MODE. ------------------------------------------------------------ When the user is in Packet mode, the highlighted letter in the top "modes window" indicates on which stream you are. To change of stream you need to use the CTRL+ LEFT or RIGHT Arrows keys. In some cases, the number of available channels (streams) depend of the user's hardware. Some Modems enable up to 26 streams. QLOG allows the possibility to have only 10 channels. I have chosen that configuration (10 streams) as it was enough for me (A to J). Therefore it will be useful that the user configures its own TNC accordingly to the number of channels available in CONFIG.LOG file. To change the stream of its TNC, the user has to configure each line (in CONFIG.LOG) with characters selecting each stream. It will be good to set the STREAMCA and STREAMEV indicators (or those which coincide to the same function on your TNC) to ON allowing multi connections. N.B. In Packet when someone connects you (a stream is connected) the indication 'Packet' (CONN) is flashing. For each change of stream (canal- channel), a reset and test is automatically run on the new stream to confirm the connection. In the case where there is a connection, and the link is not recognized (QLOG informs you with a beep sound) that there is a problem, and you have to change the configuration in CONFIG.LOG, in increasing the TIME DELAY for the connection. If the connection is NEVER recognized, you must check all your connection cables and in particular your RS-232 cable between the TNC and your PC. In case of continuous problems please inform me, thank you in advance. * 12 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- TX, RX ASCII FILES AND TIME DELAYS. ----------------------------------------------------------- The files could be transmitted in 2 different ways and be received through your serial port. See ALT+ T, ALT+ R, ALT+0... ALT+9 N.B. During the transmission the ESC key can at anytime be pressed to stop the transmission at user convenience. TIME OUT -------------- If for (radio) traffic reason the TNC or modem doesn't succeed to transmit the handshaking data, the reception buffers will be filled, the serial port of the PC will have its transmission blocked in the handshaking mode and the computer will remain in waiting state. A Beep sound will indicate you that the time for attempting connection is over. During the attempt handshaking transmission, QLOG has the following approximate TIME OUT: 150 seconds for the files 6 seconds for the messages 100 seconds for the text 100 seconds for the password 6 seconds for the files START and STOP.TNC 6 seconds for the change of mode Note: This has nothing to do with the Packet message transmission time when you are connected to a node or a station. It is the maximum given time for the data transfer (handshaking) between the Computer and the TNC. At the fifth beep the program will interrupt the attempting handshaking transmission and will send an ERROR message. - Pressing ESC will cancel the desired transmission. - If you get an other ERROR message the transmission will be denied. It is then necessary to check the hardware connections. If for any reason this time seems too short or too long, please inform me to receive necessary technical support and assistance. * 13 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- RECEPTION BUFFER ------------------------------- In digital mode, the TNC enables you to review with the Page UP and Page DOWN keys the reception Buffer (about 40000 characters). - To activate this function toggle the PageUp key. - To deactivate the reviewing function of the reception buffer toggle the ESC or F2 keys. When using F2 key, you will also leave the digital mode. * 14 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- UTIL.EXE - QLOG Utility program. ---------------------------------------------- Features offered by this utility program are: -regeneration of the INF and NDX indexes files (from file_name.DAT, backup file.BCK and .OLD file (Attention ! OLD is not the latest backup). -regeneration of .WRK file from data file (log file file_name.DAT) -To CONVERT data file from ASCII to BINARY files. -To check the countries ASCII file. -To RESCUE corrupted data files. -To convert the frequency unit scale in the log file. - REGENERATION OF INDEX AND INFO FILES : ----------------------------------------------------------------- QLOG is able to regenerate the index (.NDX) and info (.INF) files. Therefore, as a complementary backup you only need to archive one log file (file_name.DAT). - REGENERATION OF THE STATISTICS FILE .WRK OF from the principal log file (file_name.DAT). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use this option in the case you have modified the DXCC country file (ALL_COUN.DAT), or if you restore a backup file NOT updated. The .WRK file is verifying in ALL_COUN.DAT the matching with the defined and listed DXCC countries, the BAND.DAT for the frequencies, and the modes recognized in QLOG to make the complete statistics. When a not complete matching occurs, QLOG program asks you to rebuild the .WRK file. You can either manually delete the WRK file and then to create a new one in using UTIL.EXE program which will clear the incorrect WRK file and rebuild another one. - CONVERT THE ASCII FORMAT DATA TO THE BINARY FORMAT OF QLOG: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The conversion from ASCII to QLOG Binary format happens automatically if the file contains fields in DBASE format (formatted) with a field succession like: "date","hour","freq","mode","pwr","call","rst-tr", "loc","info","hour","qsl". Fields could also be longer than those accepted in QLOG. If what you get is not perfect, and you do not wish to use a text editor, you have to format this file following the example given in CONVERTE.CFG file. Following this method it is possible to convert any ASCII file and to customize the field as you like. Remember that after having converted a file in BINARY format you can: 1) with the UTIL.EXE (option 1) regenerating the index and statistics file (option 2). 2) Merge logs files (with the option ALT+ A). Your new log file will have its Indexes .INF, .NDX and .WRK files automatically updated. - TO RESCUE CORRUPTED LOG FILE (file_name.DAT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a maximum security in prevention of an accidental power cut when using QLOG program, there is a continuous protection system on the log file (file_name.DAT) . The AUTOBACKUP mode (creating BACKUP file) is the only solution which provide a quick and easy way to recover the log file. During normal program operation, the data user file (log file .DAT) is open only for few milliseconds and so, is by that fact in a situation where it is almost impossible to be damaged in case of an eventual sudden power shut off. If this would happen, and the file would be unreadable, the only way to recover it would be to use the option (5) in the UTIL.EXE program to recreate RESCUE.DAT. To use the RESCUE.DAT file you have to create the index file in selecting the option (1) of UTIL.EXE menu. Then you will be able to use RESCUE.DAT in QLOG. (You will see that no data will have been lost). Then you can change the name of the RESCUE.DAT file to what ever name you want. * 15 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- SETUP.EXE - QLOG UTILITY PROGRAM FOR INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- To install QLOG 4.00 chose the option (1) from the SETUP.EXE menu. At the prompt, SETUP.EXE will request you the directory of destination to install QLOG 4.00 (if this one doesn't exist the SETUP.EXE program will create it). The files installation will occur only at the first time. When re-running the SETUP.EXE (after its installation), the user will have to chose between the different options to configure QLOG 4.00 the CONFIG.LOG file for his station. Even if you have already used SETUP.EXE during QLOG installation, this file can later be used to change parameters in CONFIG.LOG file without using a text editor. To select the parameter that you want to modify, toggle the Enter key (CR) until you see it. Change the setting and toggle (CR).You may also continue to look for other parameters to be changed if needed with Enter (CR). Then select the option (9) to save new modifications before leaving this main menu. * 16 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- DXCC COUNTRIES FILE LIST. -------------------------------------------- In QLOG software you will find a file containing a DXCC countries list (ALL_COUN.DAT). This list can be modified to be updated at anytime. To do so you need to use a text editor. When doing so, pay attention to the following points: - DO NOT change or remove the first heading line and the last one at the end of this file , (with series of "# " characters). Do not insert an empty line between these lines and the contained text (data). - Leave at least a blank space between the two fields (country and prefixes). - ONLY inside the country field (i.e. name of a country) don't leave a blank space (Please note the ' _ ' character uniting in some cases the two parts of one country prefix). You will notice that some country prefixes have the " _ " sign in their prefix. (i.e. for FO_C means that when QLOG will search and validate in FOxC (x being a number) any number which will be placed at the underline sign " _ " location. - If in a field there is no data to insert (to write), put at least the character " - " - If in a country field you need to have 2 lines to enter the necessary information (prefixes), write the " + "character at the end of the first line without leaving a blank space, then write the other prefixes separated with the " - " character on the second line below. - These lines could have up to 300 characters. - Don't write duplicate prefixes. - Each time you would like to check your DXCC status on a log file (file_name.DAT), you will have to run the UTIL.EXE program to update the WRK statistics file. All these explanations may seems complex in the first reading of this manual, but you will quickly see that using QLOG is very QUICK and SIMPLE. * 17 * -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- NECESSARY FILES TO RUN QLOG ------------------------------------------------- - QLOG.EXE File necessary to launch the program execution - CONFIG.LOG Parameters configuration and user setup - QLOG.HLP Help file (available in English, Italian or French) - UTIL.EXE Utility program - BAND.DAT Frequencies bands limits. - CONVERTE.CFG For files conversion (ASCII - BINARY) - SETUP.EXE Installation and Configuration of QLOG -QLOG.ICO QLOG Icone to be used under Window 3.x) -[ README!.DOC ] QLOG Explanation file in English (optional) -[ LEGGIME!.DOC] QLOG Explanation file in Italian (optional) -[ LISEZMOI.DOC ] QLOG Explanation file in French (optional) -[ ALL_COUN.DAT ] DXCC Countries files (optional) -[ .WRK] Statistics log file (optional) -[ START.TNC] Command file to open the TNC (optional) -[ STOP.TNC] Command file to close the TNC (optional) -[ MSG_0.TXT up to MSG_9.TXT] Prepared messages files for data transmission (optional) - In some QLOG releases, you may find as well: HF.DAT, HF.NDX, HF.INF, HF.WRK, HF.TCY These files are some examples to help you to start using QLOG program at the beginning. You can delete them when you will feel comfortable with QLOG. The program run currently on following computers: - Compatible IBM 486 12Mb ram (under MSDOS and Windows95) - IBM AT 286 512 Kb ram - IBM 486 4Mb ram - IBM Pentium Remember to put in your CONFIG.SYS, FILES= 5 or more as the program alone can open 5 files in the same time. I have written QLOG in Borland ¸ C++ In some case, with manager memory expand systems (like QEMM), QLOG will stop running. I am now working to resolve that problem. Next program upgrade will include: - interaction with CD ROM call book - and more, .... For those who wish to receive the last QLOG release, write to me and send me a floppy diskette, a self addressed envelope with 2 IRC's and 10 US $ (or 10 Dutch Marks), I will immediately reply in sending the latest QLOG version. WHERE TO FIND QLOG 4.00 PROGRAM . --------------------------------------------------------- You can find QLOG 4.00 program in many Internet software repository, like SIMTEL, FUNET university, and also in the author personal WEB page at following addresses: or For those who like and use this program, some Dollars will be welcomed to Support the Research and Release of New Production. *18* -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- DISCLAIMER ------------------ The author is not responsible for any loss of time, income, data, etc., or loss or damage to equipment or software as a result of the use of this software. This software is not designed for used in commercial applications. It is intended for personal use in the pursuit of the amateur radio hobby. The author retains all rights to this software. *19* -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- TECHNICAL SUPPORT -------------------------------- If you have a problem to report or a suggestion for improving this software, please contact the author. All problem reports and suggestions will be promptly acknowledged. P.S. The mouse has eaten the cat, don't ask me where he has finished ! This English handbook may not be perfect, but will be improved with the time. 73 de Antonio Only for Internet network SysOp if the FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP package is missing : (v 4.00) QLOG- is a Log book and digital terminal program integrated, easy and quick to use. When connected to Packet Cluster: it intercepts Dx spots, search countries, displays all information, and fills fields with Dx information data. QLOG provides utilities applications for digital VHF and HF communications with TNC , as well as for log book management (printing QSL card labels, checking worked countries, providing immediate statistics etc....) by IK5HGL . ?